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Benefits Of Office 365

01 June 2019

The benefits of Office 365

Work from anywhere
One of the biggest benefits of the Office 365 platform, it allows you and your users to work from anywhere.  This can be advantageous for businesses who have remote employees at various or many locations and also for employees that do a lot of travelling. Its cloud-based version allows you to access your files (email: outlook, excel, word PowerPoint) from any location and on any device.  The desktop version allows you to install the program on up to 5 devices.

Collaboration amongst your team
Users who need to contribute or edit a document can work a document or the same version of a document and changes will happen in real time.  There is also a versioning attribute which allows users to roll back or go back to an older version of a particular document.  You can also use the SharePoint feature within Office 365, this gives File storage and allows you to setup sharing of documents internally and to even users externally out with your organisation
Always stay up to date  
With Office 365 you will always have the latest version of Office without any additional charges, all the latest upgrades and features will automatically stay up to date without you having to uninstall and reinstall Office.  With Microsoft Office they will always be making changes and upgrades in the background, so you stay up to date.  There is also different Office 365 plans made available to users and business users and not everyone in the company has to use the same plan – Office 365 Products
Easy Payment Plan  
Office 365 is paid through a subscription plan, allowing you to pay monthly per user or annually, this can be helpful with cashflow.

If you would like to know more about Office 365 and would like to get this setup within your business, please give Control I.T Solutions a call today on 01738 310271

TAGGED IN: Small Businesses , Pro and Cons, Perth, Dundee, Fife, Scotland, Stirling, Perthshire, Office 365