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Introducing Windows 11

16 January 2022

Microsoft’s new operating system was released in October 2021 and is the follow on from Windows 10.  This is the first major upgrade since the summer of 2015 when Windows 10 was launched, and the technology has evolved to meet the needs of the end user.


New Features and Updates

•    The most noticeable of all is the Start button and taskbar which is now prominently displayed in the centre.
•    Different “Desktops” can now be created and customised by the user, for example different “Desktops” for work, social, gaming or school.
•    Live newsfeeds and events can be customised and for the individual user.
•    Layouts Snap ins allow the user to open multiple windows at once and this adapts to your own screen size, allowing you to view Documents and browsers etc.
•    The Chat app within the “Teams” application is built into Windows 11 taskbar allowing the user to connect with friends and work colleagues instantly and directly from the taskbar.
•    The Start button utilizes the power of the cloud and Microsoft 365 to show you what your recent files where no matter what platform or device you were viewing or using them on earlier

Upgrade to Windows 11

Microsoft will continue to support Windows 10 until 2025, after that date you should be able to continue using Windows 10, but Microsoft will not provide security updates, so it is advisable to upgrade to Windows 11 before then.

If you are using Windows 10 you can upgrade to windows 11 for free, provided that is if your PC or Laptop device meets the minimum system requirements from Microsoft 

You will have probably noticed a notification on your Windows 10 device whether or not  your PC or laptop is eligible for the Windows 11 upgrade.  Windows 11 will be offering an annual update similar to Apple Mac OS for security and optimal performance of your system.

Should I upgrade? 

If your device is capable of running and meets the systems requirements the sooner the better, but it will be worthwhile checking with your IT support provider if you can, that is if you are running any bespoke software applications that is unique to your business and if those software vendors have made the necessary upgrades that will be compatible with Windows 11, for any advice of help please contact us or alternatively phone us on 01738 310 271

TAGGED IN: Managed IT Services, Windows 11